How Often Should I Deep Clean My Carpet in Good Hope, IL? Carpet Cleaning Once or More a Year?

To extend the life of your beautiful carpets, they should be deep cleaned to remove trapped dirt, dander and other particles that can damage the carpet. However, many homeowners never know when to have their carpets cleaned or how often. Carpets do greatly benefit from deep cleaning. However, in many cases the carpet goes too long between cleanings. Another common problem is excessive cleaning. Yes, too much cleaning can be bad too. To help discover your carpet’s proper cleaning schedule, American Hometown Services will help what determines a carpet’s cleaning needs.

Carpet Deep Cleaning with Kids & Pets

Homes with smaller children and pets is often a perfect recipe for dirty carpets. Little children and even the members of large families often cause spills or heavy foot traffic that brings in dirt and causes soiling. Pets also carry dirt and debris from outside into the home. Dogs and cats will also shed their coats. Some may even urinate or worse on the carpets. It is easy to say that carpets that are exposed to children and pets are rather battered. Homes with these elements often require the carpet to be cleaned more frequently. On average, carpet exposed to pets and large families need to be cleaned every 3 to 4 months.

Deep Cleaning Carpet to Reduce Allergens & Relieve Allergies

Even small households with no pets may require more frequent carpet cleaning when certain members may have sensitive health conditions. For those with terrible allergic reactions, asthma and other respiratory problems, often the need to maintain clean carpets increases in duration. Carpet can harbor dust, dead human skin, pollen and dust mites which live in the carpets. These elements in the carpet can cause skin and internal allergic reactions, and trigger asthma attacks. When health considers are present, carpet should be kept very clean. In small households with no pets, with regular vacuuming, carpets can go every 4 to 6 months. However, if pets and other elements are involved, you can have the carpet cleaned every 3 months.

Carpet Life Expectancy & Age

The carpet’s age often plays a minor role as to when it should be deep cleaned. The carpet fiber’s thin out over the years which is why carpet appears thinner than when they were new. Thin carpet can allow more dirt to get trapped between the pile which calls for more frequent carpet cleaning. However, old carpet shouldn’t be cleaned too much or it can accelerate the thinning process. As carpets age, you must find a balance as to when to have them cleaned. Older carpet should be cleaned no more than 5 to 6 months apart. However, if the carpet requires a need to be cleaned sooner, it may be time for new carpet.

Bare Minimum for How Often You Should Have Carpet Cleaned

Regardless of the age, or size of the household, carpet should be deep cleaned at least once a year. When carpets are cleaned professionally, the trapped in dirt, dust mites and other contaminates are removed. Dirt is terrible on carpet as it can damage the tiny fibers of the carpet which thins the fibers out more quickly. You can extend the life of the carpet with at least once a year cleaning. There are many benefits of deep cleaning such as a healthy living environment, extending the life of the carpet and having a cleaner looking floor.

Carpet Cleaning, Stain Removal & More in Quincy, Macomb, Hamilton, Warsaw & East Alton Illinois | Hannibal, Missouri

If you need your home’s carpet deep cleaned, contact American Hometown Services and schedule our services today. Contact us today!

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