How to Make a Coffee Stain on Carpet Vanish in Nauvoo, IL; Blot Spill & Treat to Clean & Remove

In the morning and throughout the day, the avid coffee drinker has a tendency to reach for the warm soothing and stimulating cup of a fresh brew. The more frequently you reach for a warm rich coffee indulgence, some need their cup of coffee first thing in the morning to get the day started, which only increases the likelihood of it spilling on the carpet. Taking a moment to treat the coffee spot is vital as soon as it happens in order to treat fresh coffee spills can prevent stubborn stains and odors from developing. With this in mind, we at American Hometown Services would like to take the opportunity to share the essential steps to remove the coffee spots from your carpet.

1) Immediately Blot the Spilled Coffee

To blot the excess moisture, a fresh spill should immediately be treated by first using white paper towels or dry cloths. To prevent the mess from expanding outward, it is important to begin the process by blotting the outer edges of the spill and work your way towards the center. In the event the coffee spill is old and dry, use water to lightly dampen the area and treat it as if it were a fresh spill.

2) Create a Homemade Solution to Treat Coffee Spill

Create a solution by combining 1 cup of white vinegar, 2 cups warm water (do not use hot), and 1 tsp of liquid dish soap. A bowl or bucket will suffice, though a spray bottle will help you better apply the solution. Generously mist the affected area, but do not oversaturate, or treat a cloth with the prepared solution and use it, now damp, to blot the spill. To avoid over saturation, be sure that you use a dry cloth in between applications.

3) Only Blot to Treat the Spill, Never Scrub or Rub

Only blot the spill when treating any spots, spills, or stains on carpets, as it is vital you never use scrubbing or rubbing techniques. By spreading it out and pushing it deeper in the carpet, scrubbing and rubbing will only make the mess worse. The carpet padding and subfloor can be impacted during a coffee spill in addition to it affecting the carpets. Simply use your fingers to work to gently work the solution into the fibers.

4) Should the Coffee Carpet Stain Remain

You can make a paste adding a few drops of water to baking soda at a time in some instances when the coffee only lightens instead of lifts completely from the carpets. Administer the paste to the carpet and let it set until dries and vacuum the dried remnants. The lighter coffee spots an odor can be lifted from the carpet.

Carpet Cleaning, Stain Removal & More in Quincy, Macomb, Hamilton, Warsaw & East Alton Illinois | Hannibal, Missouri

Coffee spills can be challenging to remove, especially if they had a while to set into the fibers. When you have these tough stains, you need the professionals of American Hometown Services to get these challenging stains free from your carpets. Our experts use state of the art technology and premium products to ensure the stain and any odors attached are lifted. Contact us today!

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