If you go into many grocery stores, schools and convenience stores you are sure to see vinyl composite floors or VCT floors. These vinyl floors are a great way to add flooring to a large area of a business or institution. The floors are made up of other materials that are compressed together and made into different sized tiles that can be installed as flooring. The flooring is made to be installed with a protective layer added to the top to protect it from dirt and damage. The layer that is added is a shiny wax substance. Once the wax is added to the floor it has to be polished and buffed to bring the floor to a nice shine. These floors are durable and can look great as long as they are taken care of properly. One of the processes that is necessary when you have these types of floors are called stripping and waxing. It will keep the floors looking their best and make it easier to keep clean.
American Hometown Services explains what stripping and waxing is and why it is great for your VCT floors.
What is VCT Floor Stripping & Waxing: Stripping and waxing is a process that is done on VCT floors. The floors already have a coat of wax on them. As the wax gets dirty and dingy looking, it has to be stripped away and all the wax removed from the floor so that it can be treated. Once it gets too dirty it can be difficult to clean and that is why the layer needs to be taken off. After the wax is removed which is the stripping part of the process, a new level of wax has to be added to the floor to protect it and allow it to have some shine. The wax is left to dry and then it is polished. The polishing is to add shine to the floors and leave it looking great.
What are the Benefits of VCT Floor Stripping & Waxing: One of the most obvious benefits to having your VCT floors stripped and waxed is general floor cleanliness. A dingy, dirty floor is an eyesore and will lose your businesses existing customers and certainly not attract new ones. Professional stripping and waxing of your commercial flooring also allows set in stains to be removed and that new floor shine to return once again. Removing the built up dirt and grime also allows your flooring to wear more slowly and therefore last longer. When you have a fresh coat of wax added to the floors and polish it, your store or business will look amazing and the floors can look good as new!